Goin' Tribal

The tribe dances in a circle, covered in war paint and pounding their chests, chanting unintelligibly. Debris is scattered 360 degrees across the area. Exciting scene from Lord of the Flies? No - the scene with my two little guys in the basement!

Apparently one of the Big 3 forgot to put his pencil box away after school. A and K, who often express their creativity with markers on non-washable surfaces, discover the treasure with glee. I wish I had been there to witness them removing overalls, shoes - everything - and beginning to paint themselves. I'm sure it was a sight.

Instead, My Sweetie discovered them dancing around the office chair, goin' tribal! His very loud, very contagious laugh drew me downstairs, camera in hand. I didn't think it was quite as funny, but since everyone else seemed to, I smiled and captured the moment. My chidren's dignity will not allow me to post pictures of the full effect of this activity ... they were literally covered in marker, top of the head to the tip of the toes. Sigh ... these two are definitely Double Trouble!

As fun as this sideshow was, I am very thankful that the war paint all came off in the bath. I'm sure this is only the beginning of many adventures we'll have with Double Trouble!


Ve said…
That's incredibly funny!!! I can just imagine A decorating K - those marker marks are on her BACK!!! A looks like he knows he's in trouble. I'm so glad you captured this moment.
It amazes me that a pair of kids that can so often be at odds with each other, can collaborate so effectively when motivated, If we could only reproduce that on demand...
Kate said…
That's a riot! Double oh so cute trouble for sure!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
I am so glad that you went and took pictures. That is incredibly creative of them, huh? watch out momma!

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