Homeschool Giveaway!

*******Update: the Giveaway is over. Go here to see the winner! Have a great year, everybody!

Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations is sponsoring a Curriculum Cleanout. Now through August 15, lots of great resources will be recycled through giveaways. Have something that needs a new home? Need a few items to round out your curriculum? Then check out this great blog carnival that grows daily!

My giveaway is for Exploring God's Creation Science workbook from Christian Liberty Press. First, I just want to say how much I love Christian Liberty Press! They are affordable, user-friendly, and have a solid Biblical worldview. This science workbook (we used it more as a "text") has information and activities on a range of topics in all the major areas of elementary science. It's listed in their 3rd grade materials, but we used it as a group when my kids were in 4th, 2nd, and K. (The first couple of lessons have some marks - before I got smart and photocopied the lessons.) Each chapter has a bit of info on the topic, followed by some questions and an experiment that uses easy-to-find household items. We supplemented each topic with books from the library and spent about a week on each lesson.
The way to enter this giveaway is to leave me a comment on this post - it's that easy! (Be sure to leave me a way to contact you.) Contest ends at midnight on the 15th - I will randomly select a winner from all the entries. Hope you win!

**Tune in tomorrow for part 2 of the Chores series!


Ve said…
That looks quite interesting! I hope I win! I'll post it on my blog, too. I get like 1 reader a month. So look out!
Love the new widget, btw!!
Shawntele said…
I am still piecing together our curriculum for this year...this would be perfect for our science lessons! Thanks for the entry, I can be contacted via my blog. :)
This would be perfect for my daughter's library!

janemaritz at yahoo dot com
This looks really good! Please enter me!
Joesette said…
I'd love to win this for my girls! Thanks for the opportunity!
lifewith4walls said…
Looks great! Would love to use it this year with my 8 yo daughter. - thanks for the entry!

Sarah said…
Such a blessing! I'm a homeschooling mom just returning to the US. (missionary mommy) I've been creating my own stuff for 5 years! Wow! I'm amazed at the great stuff available.

Thanks for blessing all of us,
Sarah Dawn
Melissa said…
I would love to add this to our creation stuff. I have had a hard time choosing... Thanks for participating in the Clean-Out!
It looks like an interesting resource... thanks for the contest!

chappyandalexa AT earthlink DOT net
Ticia said…
Looks likea super fun book!
Bailey's Leaf said…
Hubs is a park naturalist and this would be great to explain more about God's creations to K-.

Thank you so much!

artandnature @ juno *dot* com
Laura said…
woo-hoo! i've always wanted to try out this curriculum! thanks for hosting this giveaway! kyrie24 at gmail dot com
denise said…
I have been wanting to try this.

Wow! This would be awesome!
Susan said…
What a great resource--thanks for the chance to win!
This would be an awesome supplement to our science! Thanks for the giveaway!
Annette W. said…
This does look like a great resource!
Unknown said…
I want this great book. Thanks.
Rebecca Joy said…
I would love to use this for homeschool! thanks for the chance to win!
Christin said…
I truly love these books and would SO love to win this above anything else I've seen! Whoever does get this book will LOVE it.

GvnJCmyALL @ aol (dot) com
Shannon said…
This looks great! Would love to win it. Thanks for the giveaway!
Looks like a great book. Thanks!

Unknown said…
thank you this would be great!
CJ said…
Would love this. Thanks.
holly K said…
This would be a wonderful science curriculum for my children. Thanks for offering it. cookiecutter72 at hotmail dot com
Lorie said…
Thanks for the chance to win.

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