Nature Study

This morning the kids awoke to a scavenger hunt that led them to clues about a special outing: Nature Study at the park. We haven't done that in a while and they were so excited. They quickly did their morning chores, as well as math, reading, and copywork. Then we headed out.

First, a little exercise and exploration. We "did the trail" - Me pushing the stroller, M. & S. on scooters, C. on his bike, and A. running (what else would he do, right?) We were lured by the peaceful gurgling of the creek and found a little waterfall. The Big 3 spent the next 20 minutes floating little stick "boats" down the waterfall while A, K, and I enjoyed the big swings at the senior area.

We found a cool tree by the playground to sketch, and tried in vain to identify it - I wish I had a picture to post. We think it was a "Myrtle Holly" - because of it's many trunks with smooth bark and round, waxy leaves. It is a smallish tree, but still big for a shrub (which is what our field guide calls the myrtle holly) and I think we're a bit north of it's range. But oh, well - S. sketched it anyway and everyone enjoyed climbing it. We didn't get the "lesson" finished b/c it was just too windy and cold to work in their Nature Journals. (What happened to yesterday's mild temps???) We finished it up after lunch at our cozy kitchen table. We read Wonders of the Forest (a wonderful old paperback from Troll Associates) and sketched away...

A note as from a single place,
A slender tinkling fall that made
Now drops that floated on the pool
Like pearls, and now a silver blade.
-from "Going for Water" by Robert Frost


Wendy said…
That looks like fun! I am so ready for warmer temps to do things like this again.
Ve said…
What an enchanting day. Well done! I am close to making a decision for H's education this fall and would love another one-on-one with you at some point.
Miss you lots!
jennifer h said…
Ok. In that picture, your little one on the swing looks like Dianne Tant's mini-me. So cute.

Your nature study outing sounds great. I'm glad you enjoyed your day.
Kate said…
Janice, are you really ready for another one on one? That can be dangerous! I mean, Jen knows SOOOO much! OK, I'm playing with you Jen but it's true, I get the 411 from her ALL the time. She's an ace! ;)

Great pics. I am so looking foward to doing that in the spring too. My hats off to you for enjoying a nice brisk cold day! ;)
jennifer h said…
I haven't finished your tag, but I wanted to let you know I tagged you on my blog anyway.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
that looks like a great school day! I can't wait until we can be outside more often again!

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