And the Left Wins!!!

No, I'm not talking about presidential politics (whew!) I'm talking about ocular dominance. Yes, for those of you who saw Oprah today, I took the little hole-in-the-paper test for eye dominance. I did it twice, just to be sure, and I came out left-eye dominant both times! Apparently this can be very important in sports like golf, baseball, and bowling, as well as when shoo.ting a g.un. Since I don't play those sports (at least not well enough to care which eye is dominant, LOL) and don't own a fire.arm, I'm not sure what all this means for me. But it was fun to find out!

Now for a shameless plug... if you have not already discovered TLC's show, Jon & Kate Plus 8, then you need to check it out tonight (or next Monday if you're reading this too late.) I cannot recommend this show highly enough!! I have been watching it for several months and! It is a hilarious, real-life picture of living with a lot of kids. (Or feeling like you live with a lot of kids!) It will make you feel better about the chaos at your own house. It helps me remember the noise level from our 2 little red-headed fireballs is normal! Tune in to TLC at 9 Eastern.


jennifer h said…
I like that show, too. Have you checked out their website?
jennifer h said…
duh. You linked their website. Not all with it today I guess.
That's ok - that's why I like the show - we're all scatterbrains when we're trying to manage a household with young children! ;-)
Mary@notbefore7 said… is an hour too late, but man, I want to remember that next Monday. I'd love to see it!
Kate said…
i'll tune in next week - i don't think there will be any football on taking up the tv!
Kate said…
i'll tune in next week - i don't think there will be any football on taking up the tv!

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