Happy New Year!
Well, 2007 is under wraps and 2008 has begun. I am again amazed at how fast time flies by! I have a teenager in the house to remind me that the 19-month-old will grow up and become too big to sit in my lap faster than I would like! But the Lord is good and "the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." Psalm 16:6
We had a wonderful Christmas! My parents came down and stayed with us for several days, which was a treat in itself. But it was even more fun to have them here on Christmas morning to share in the kids' excitement. We enjoyed a yummy buffet at a resort in Stone Mountain Park and the whole day was full of happiness and blessings!
Last night, while my oldest was at a youth group party, the rest of us rang in the New Year with sparkling grape juice, fireworks, and chocolate fondue. C and M wanted to stay up to watch the ball drop and we let them. But it was a little anti-climactic because they were so sleepy they almost missed it! It was very cute to watch them insist they were awake enough to make it!
I want to give a shout out to my brother-in-law, Robert. Not only is he an amazing uncle and much adored by my kids, but he has recently become quite the serious hiker and has started a blog about his experiences. Go visit him and say hello here. I can't wait to read about his adventures, a couple of which included his young hiking buddy, C. (10yo)
We had a wonderful Christmas! My parents came down and stayed with us for several days, which was a treat in itself. But it was even more fun to have them here on Christmas morning to share in the kids' excitement. We enjoyed a yummy buffet at a resort in Stone Mountain Park and the whole day was full of happiness and blessings!
I want to give a shout out to my brother-in-law, Robert. Not only is he an amazing uncle and much adored by my kids, but he has recently become quite the serious hiker and has started a blog about his experiences. Go visit him and say hello here. I can't wait to read about his adventures, a couple of which included his young hiking buddy, C. (10yo)