Fun with ABCs

I learned this tip several years ago from a friend who is a first-grade teacher. When your preschooler/kindergartner gets tired of writing letters on paper (or wipe-off boards - A's current fave,) try the kitchen counter.

Here's how it works: Spread one of the following on the countertop and let your little one "write" with his index finger.
  • flour
  • cornmeal
  • sugar
  • shave cream (has the added feature of cleaning the countertop!)

Not only is this FUN for your little guys, it's beneficial for motor development. It also might buy you a little time to get some work done in the kitchen!

Pop over here for more Works for Me Wednesday tips.


Sweetpeas said…
pudding's generally a big hit too, especially once they figure out they can lick their fingers clean :) We didn't do the alphabet, we "painted" w/ chocolate pudding on the counter & then once they declared their painting "done" I laid a piece of paper over it & let it dry, it was a cool painting, would be a fun way to "keep" letters they draw really well too.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Love that! One day when we want to get messy :) I have heard of doing it in the cookie sheet - maybe a little neater? I think my stoneware would work or pyrex with some nice edges!
jennifer h said…
I haven't used this activity (shaving cream was always our medium of choice) since my big 3 were little. Thanks for reminding me of it. Charis will enjoy it for sure.
Andrea said…
This will be great for Reagan (5) - she's always making huge messes. It took us a while to realize that she is a sensory learner! Duh! :-o

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