"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works" Ephesians 2:10
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Psalm 19:1

I am not an interior decorator. I am not even particularly artistic. But over the years, I have been convinced by some of my heroes - like Charlotte Mason and Edith Schaeffer - that since we are image-bearers of The Creator, we ourselves have some inborn creativity. God is a God of beauty and we should reflect that in our lives. It's so easy to get tied up in the mundane events of daily life that we push creative efforts - like beautifying our homes - to the back burner.

Several years ago, I was inspired by Edith Schaeffer's book The Hidden Art of Homemaking. She defines "hidden art" as "the art found in the ordinary areas of everyday life." She challenges us to take our own creativity seriously in making our homes beautiful places that reflect our personality and bless those who live in and visit them. Whether we live in a "palace or a tree house, beauty is important." (Hidden Art, p.110)

I have become slack in this area, but lately have been trying to improve. Simple things like cloth napkins at dinner, a new way of arranging pillows on the sofa, finishing some sewing for the home I started ages ago, or cleaning my own bedroom the best to make it a refuge for me and my Sweetie - small things make a big difference in the atmosphere of my home. This weekend I decided to make some more progress in the kids' bathroom. The new paint and accessories look cute, but the walls wanted some art. I have always thought the simple little canvases Pottery Barn sells are cute - but SO overpriced. I can do that on my own, right? So with some good tips from my artist friend, Ginny, I set out to make a couple of pictures for our undersea bathroom. The supplies cost around $10. What do you think? (The close-up of the pictures doesn't show off the pretty color of the walls, but the flash made the metallic blue paint on the "boy fish" look funny.)
Now I challenge you to go find some "hidden art" in your own home!


Wendy said…
I love that book! I love trying to make our house and home. I think my favorite channel is HGTV. :)

The bathroom looks great!
Kate said…
I have never read the Hidden Art of Homemaking but have always wanted to. Perhaps this post provides the motivation to add that book to my collection. I love the fish art that you created!

Ve said…
I love it! Good job! I've always wanted to get my hands on that book. Big fan of all things Schaeffer.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
I think I need to get that book. I love the fish pictures - what a great job! This is inspiring...what shall I attack this weekend?
Kate said…
Very cute Jen! You did a great job!

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