Resurrecting my Thirty Pictures series for the new year...
I find myself here surrounded by art books with ideas fluttering around, begging to be organized into a syllabus and cohesive lessons. I'm teaching art! The opportuinity has taken me completely by surprise, yet somehow the Lord had prepared my heart for it. A small, simple class. An elective at M & A's school.
It's exciting and intimidating at the same time. I pray that the Lord can use me to inspire the children to love art, learn the grammar of drawing and painting, and imitate masters as image-bearers of a creative God.
Our new school situation has brought many challenges and many blessings. I had hoped for a "break," but that didn't really materialize. Juggling time in the car, homework, and lunches for the 2 in school with supervising two teenagers and the work their tutorial demands, plus the needs of an active four-year-old and a husband and a home ... it's just flat-out a lot of work. The life of a mother is a life of sacrifice, and I'm learning more and more to give my plans over to the Lord, to find my strength in Him, and - as always- just do the next thing.
So while I'm doing the next thing, why not teach art? A need arose at school, and I had been doing some thinking about being more involved and contributing to that community in some way. Art class is not something I went looking for, but when I was discussing the possibility with the headmaster, my head started to spin with ideas and my excitement grew.
So here I am, in my little nook, pouring over Mona Brookes, shopping for supplies, and choosing which masters we will try to imitate this semester. Here goes nothing!
My little corner of the world.
I find myself here surrounded by art books with ideas fluttering around, begging to be organized into a syllabus and cohesive lessons. I'm teaching art! The opportuinity has taken me completely by surprise, yet somehow the Lord had prepared my heart for it. A small, simple class. An elective at M & A's school.
It's exciting and intimidating at the same time. I pray that the Lord can use me to inspire the children to love art, learn the grammar of drawing and painting, and imitate masters as image-bearers of a creative God.
Our new school situation has brought many challenges and many blessings. I had hoped for a "break," but that didn't really materialize. Juggling time in the car, homework, and lunches for the 2 in school with supervising two teenagers and the work their tutorial demands, plus the needs of an active four-year-old and a husband and a home ... it's just flat-out a lot of work. The life of a mother is a life of sacrifice, and I'm learning more and more to give my plans over to the Lord, to find my strength in Him, and - as always- just do the next thing.
So while I'm doing the next thing, why not teach art? A need arose at school, and I had been doing some thinking about being more involved and contributing to that community in some way. Art class is not something I went looking for, but when I was discussing the possibility with the headmaster, my head started to spin with ideas and my excitement grew.
So here I am, in my little nook, pouring over Mona Brookes, shopping for supplies, and choosing which masters we will try to imitate this semester. Here goes nothing!