Meeting them where they are...

I take for granted sometimes that my Littles know all the things I've been teaching the Big 3 lo these many years. But I discovered yesterday there are some ... shall we say ... gaps in their body of knowledge about Advent and the Nativity. So I did it ... I broke down yesterday and bought this:
The Little People Nativity set. Family Christian Store had it on sale. It's not elegant. It's a bit cartoonish. But it's got A (5) and K (3) enjoying the Christmas Story for hours on end and sparking their interest in hearing the story from the Bible.


Michelle said…
I love mine! It's funny because for years I tried to buy it and I waited too close to Christmas and couldn't find it anywhere. This year I've actually seen it in stores! I'm going to get our out of the attic right now!!
Cathy said…
We love ours too! H and D play with it every day until Christmas is actually here.
Anonymous said…
Andrea said…
I Love Litt*le Peo*ple stuff! Pretend is a great way to help the kids remember the story!
Wendy said…
Love Little people!

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