
"Better known as Soon-Dead and Gonna Bite-It" 12 C., renaming Eli's 2 wicked sons, after reading in I Samuel where God says they will die for their sins.

"I'm not making a mess - I'm making art!" 4yo A., when I told him to be careful with glue, paper, scissors, and a hole punch.

"Mom, when I have a job and I'm earning my own money... if the family budget is still tight, I'll give you some." 14yo S, showing a little bit of maturity. Awww.

"When I get up in the morning, I'm gonna make a mocha." S again. Somebody tell that boy to stop growing up!

"I be careful -- I be careful, Daddy." 2yo K's announcement as she walked into the room carrying the empty silverware basket. Such a helpful girl.

"And I thought your eggs weren't going to be good!" 9yo M, pleasantly surprised that the breakfast she made me was actually quite delicious. That girl loves to cook and is happiest in the kitchen. It's fun to watch her countenance lift whenever cooking is involved. :)

"Mommy, sit nexa ME!" 2yo K's exclamation at nearly every meal. So sweet. She then continued to chant "nexa me, nexa me, nexa me..." ♫

For more fun Tiny Talk, go visit Not Before 7!


Jennifer said…

Kids say the funniest things. I love it.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
So good to get a little glimpse into your house and kiddos - you are missed :) But you have chosen wisely, as we know.

Your son is growing up fast -just listen to him!

Hope your Advent season is going well!
Andrea said…
Sometimes I can't stand it when they show that they're growing up. *sigh*
Very, very cute!
Mike Tant said…
So Colin is re-writing Scripture - watch out for the lighting bolts!

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