Random Thoughts on Home Keeping

--do toys have some sort of magical way of propagating themselves? I am constantly organizing and purging, in the hopes of keeping toy clutter to a minimum. And yet there are still toys everywhere...reminds me of the movie Gremlins, when the little creatures are taking over.
--I need a dust ruffle. I spent the better part of Saturday de-cluttering my bedroom and in the sparkling newness it became very obvious that my bed is half na*ked. I have had the fabric to sew one for, oh, five years - but maybe it's time to give up on that idea and find one on clearance at TJ Maxx...
--Speaking of sewing, I realized (my mind was as busy as my hands this weekend) that I do my best sewing in the summer and I should just be content with that schedule. No more guilt over fabric that piles up during the school year.
--We need to use my wedding china more often. It's a durable pattern and I love it so much-it's a shame to let it gather dust on a shelf. I'm convinced yesterday's Easter dinner tasted better, simply because our table was pretty. (Thoughts of Mrs. Schaeffer flutter here.) I think I'll institute using our china on a regular basis, such as on Sundays (or when we have grilled cheese and tomato soup; or whenever we feel like it...)
--Nothing says love like plenty of toilet paper. I think FLYlady said that one time, but it's so true! I restocked all our cabinets with the good stuff and it was so gratifying to know that, when my sweet family hears nature's call, there'll be adequate TP for the job.
--I love training preschoolers to do chores. Yes, one more thing that makes me a big geek. But with 3 older children who started doing chores when they were small, I can see the payoff. Plus, it's just plain fun to have a little person at your knee, excited about putting away silverware like he was at Dis*ney*world. I've had a couple of inquiries lately about young'uns and chores, so I think I'll post about that soon. Stay tuned...


Ve said…
Your china is beautiful!!! Glad to see you'll be using it more often. I just put all mine up in the attic. Do expound on the training of young'ns in the chores. I think we do alright, but there's definitely room for improvement.
Andrea said…
I'm with you on the nice dishes (although I don't have china - I consider it nice to use something other than the kids plastic stuff!). I wasn't well planned for this past Easter weekend but it was so nice to have a nicely spread table to enjoy - it changed my attitude!
I love training the young ones but have found that I'm a little inconsistent with it since I tend to be controlling. I always have to force myself to *breathe* and remember that the training and time together is more important than the sloppy folding or spilled flour!
Wendy said…
Yes, toys invade! I try to keep things somewhat simple, but it is tough, especially when birthdays come.

Great idea on the china - very pretty!
Melissa Lester said…
Great ideas. Pretty china. Happy family!
Michelle said…
I would love to read some of your thoughts on training toddlers to do chores. J. helps me with the laundry quite a bit, and cleaning up toys, but not sure how much more and what to include her in. I always loved it, though, that your C. could clean a toilet at age 3!!!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
YAAAY! I am so ready to be taught about chores!!!!!

I can't wait to be in my next house and make some use of the china that has been i nmy attic...ha ha ha!

I love the random thoughts - just recording your typical days and life. I so related to the various "to do's" in your head :)
Kate said…
My philosophy on toys and anything else "new" coming in the home...

When something (toys, furniture, junk) comes in, something goes out.

It's been working!

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