It was just too quiet...

I was busy giving the Big 3 a "mini-lecture" on taking ownership of their own behavior and responsibility for their chores. I wrapped up my speech and went to find A and K. It was very quiet. A was supposed to be unloading the silverware from the dishwasher, but the kitchen was abandoned, drawers open, silverware basket perched on the counter. Ok, now I was worried. Did he let himself out of the house without permission?

I peeked into the garage, to see if the outside door was open. When I did, I saw this:
Of course I laughed to myself. And being the good blogger that I am, before scolding him for opening a door without permission, I grabbed my camera to capture the moment. He, of course saw me at that point and came running over so I could snap this picture:
He's saying, "mwah-ha-ha-haaa" in a very menacing voice! He and K continued to march around the garage, chanting "ha-ha-haaaa" like some kind of masked pirates. These two are quite a pair - remember when they went tribal? They're always up to something, which is why, on so many, many days like this, I can only "do the next thing." That's all I have time for in between their antics!


Kate said…
The masked man has found his getaway! You best hide those keys to the mower, next!!!! LOVE it!
Yes - the mower keys are NOT stored in the ignition, but in a safe place that only Daddy knows!
Andrea said…
Ah yes - we always have to keep our ears open for the "quiet!" The things that they can get into never cease to amaze me! Where'd he get that mask, anyway? LOL!

Been away from the bloggy world for a bit but hope you have a happy FOURTH!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
LOL! It is amazing what they can quietly get themselves into...and what creativity he shows here too ;)

Happy 4th!
Mozi Esme said…
Wild child! Quiet is dangerous!
Anonymous said…
Moms always have a way of knowing that things are just TOO quiet!

What a sweet little guy!
Jolanthe said…
these pictures just crack me up. I saw them a bit ago and meant to comment - this would so be my son too!

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