Life, Psalms, and a Song

Life has been full around here lately. Let me clarify - life is always full around here, but lately it has been more full than usual. On top of the typical activities for a homeschool family of seven, I have prepared for selling in a local consignment sale, attended a women's retreat, and had a visit from my Mom.

Each time I get ready for a consignment sale, I wonder if it's even worth it anymore! The hassle of sorting, ironing, tagging - you know the drill. But this particular sale is low key and I actually enjoy shopping it. I usually find a few essential pieces for each of the 5 kids and make enough money to cover what I spend. So it's a wash - I just think of it as hand-me-downs that I select from perfect strangers. :) Today I actually found coats for 2 kids that desperately need them, an adorable Piglet costume ($2!) for my little one, and some "cool" clothes for my teen and pre-teen boys. I think I can say it was worth the trouble this time.

The womens retreat was last weekend. Any chance for a busy mom like me to have a night away is a treat and this was no exception. "Retreating" from my daily life, even if for a mere 22 hours, nourishes my soul. It was fun to hang out with other women from our church, of all ages, and have "roomies" like I was in college again. The speaker was a godly woman who is a pastor's wife, mother of six boys, and breast cancer survivor. She had so much to say about God growing our faith through suffering and how we can't wait until "life calms down" to start drinking deeply from the Word and serving the Lord with all our heart. It was convicting, challenging, and encouraging all at the same time. The worship services were awesome, too - hearing hundreds of women's voices (there were other churches represented there as well) praising the Lord together - it sent chills up my spine!

My Mom arrived just as I was heading out the door for the retreat and has been here all week. She is a fabulous Grandma and it has been such a blessing to have her around - especially because she likes to play with the little ones and take them outside when I'm doing school with the "Big 3" or trying to get dinner together. We visited a local Pumpkin Patch, where everyone petted Peter Rabbit and his bunny friends; and brought home several pumpkins of all sizes. The kids have had a blast painting the pumpkins with Mimi, who loves anything artistic. We also made a trek to Ikea and enjoyed shopping and eating there. It's been a fun week and I hate to see her go - and not just because she's been doing all the laundry! ha ha! (She did have her own laundry adventure, though, when she accidentally put floor cleaner in the new machine and made bubbles all over the laundry room! A., my 3-year-old said,"Isn't that ah-larious?!")

I've been meditating on Psalm 16 this week. I have found so many applications for its verses in the last few days that I'm considering having us memorize it as a family. I encourage you to go check it out in its entirety, but here are some of my favorite verses:

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places'
Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." v.5-6

"I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken." v.8

"You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." v.11

Lastly - I have a new favorite song, thanks to my sister-in-law, Emily. It's called Sacred by Caedmon's Call, off their album Overdressed. (You can find it at iTunes.) It is a song about being a busy mom and how every mundane task we do is "sacred" if we do it for the Lord. My favorite line is "My cup runneth over, and I worry about the stain" Isn't that true? The music is good, too - kind of folksy with some life to it. Check it out!

Have a blessed weekend!


Mike Tant said…

I love the psalm quote. In fact, verse 6 is one of my favorites. I enjoy giving a devotional on this psalm in geometry.

I finally got a post up myself today. Take care of Mimi.
Kate said…
I love second hand clothes. We have a thrift store here where we get most of the kids clothes. We'd go broke trying to outfit this herd at the mall. We're getting ready to do a shoe shopping trip and everyone is excited because shoes (and underwear) are the only things we ever get new.

I've heard Caedemon's Call in concert. They opened for Jars of Clay years ago at the Tivoli in Chattanooga. I really like them. I have not heard this particular song though and will have to listen to it. I love "mom" songs.

Kate said…
Your spirit is contagious! Thanks for the update on your busy week. "Life is normal" - indeed!!!
Love ya!!
Ve said…
1. I went to the Consignment sale and bought a few things (Lauren was asleep in the van so I made it quick). I can't wait for the adult clothing one coming up!
2. I'm going to try that floor cleaning method your mom discovered. I hate mopping.
3. Thanks for the Psalm reminder. Can't wait to memorize Scripture with my kids!

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