The BLT Turns 3!

Three years ago, after a break of five and a half years, we had our fourth child, a son. It was with great joy that we reentered the baby phase after such a long break. A. was instantly a hit with our older children and became the "family doll." The Lord's timing was perfect, for this baby would be the last my beloved mother-in-law would hold and his beaming face and charming personality comforted all of us when the Lord took her home.

As A. became mobile, we quickly realized we had a spirited kid on our hands. My #2 son, C., nicknamed him "BLT" - "Busy Little Toddler." The name was perfect and it stuck! He is the most active, rambunctious, and mischievous toddler I have ever had! He conquered every baby gate we put up. He climbed out of the playpen and the crib. He has decorated furniture, carpet, and walls with his marker "art." In short, he runs circles around us!

But the BLT is also one of the most affectionate and compassionate little guys I've ever met. He freely offers hugs and cuddles, spontaneously says, "thank you" and "I love you, Mom." If anyone is hurt or sad, he is all tenderness. Though nearly always on the go, he loves to snuggle and read a big stack of library books. And his smile will melt your heart!
So Happy Birthday, my precious boy! I guess we'll have to retire the name "BLT" since you can no longer be called "toddler!" We love you! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Prov. 3:5-6

We had a little "car wash party" with family last night. A. is completely obsessed with the car wash. He talks about it constantly and is always pretending his cozy coupe or bike is going to the car wash. This was the first time he's had a chance to use real water to play car wash and they had a blast. (The cute little blond girl with pigtails is my niece.)


Robert said…
Appropo to your comment about A.'s compassion and spirit, as I left last night, he came over and spontaneously thanked me for the gifts!

While I don't have to chase him around myself very often, his wonderful personality more than makes up for the challanges of parenting him.

My daily prayer for you is that God would give you the wisdom to discipline him without breaking his spirit, I prayer that I see answered every week.

He may be growing up, but he will always be BLT to me!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Well, BLT can return when he is a "teenager", right? :)

Great shots. The car wash looked like such fun.

Happy Birthday!
Robert, thanks for your encouraging words. Your a fantastic uncle!
Kate said…
I'm with Mary - BLT can be keep the name. Would Busy Little Tyke suffice for ages 3-12? When he's a teen, you can still call him BLT for Busy Large Teen! :)

Ve said…
I'm touched. He's such a delight, and very much like my little bugger. The car wash picture - I can not believe little baby girl is walking around. I haven't seen her in a while I guess. Weird.

Let's get our BLTs together again soon!
Mark said…
Great post about your BLT. I love the nickname even though I don't know him. Great pics of all the kids, too!
using Mark's
google address
Wendy said…
How cute! Your kids are precious.

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