Easter Pizza

I planned a really yummy Easter menu: boneless leg of lamb with mint balsamic drizzle, roast chicken (for the non-lamb-eaters), sweet potatoes, asparagus, fancy green salad, and homemade lemon meringue pie.

But we didn't eat that - not one bit of it. Instead we had pizza. In the photo above, the caprese skewers represent the only homemade item we had at our entire Easter feast! And it was GREAT!

It's been a busy few weeks, and even Spring Break was filled with things like taxes & doctors' appointments. So when the Saturday before Easter came and I started making my little "to do" list ... I also started to panic. My quick-thinking (and awesome) husband decided that the remedy was to skip it all, have pizza for Easter, and take the kids to a carnival Saturday night instead of staying up all hours to finish deviled eggs.

We had a blast at the carnival -- I wish you could have seen K's reaction to the thrill of her first fun house, first ferris wheel. We did a lot of spinning and going up high - and a lot of laughing. We stayed out late. And no one missed the leg of lamb. There's no obligation to make a big meal at Easter - the only obligation is to REJOICE in our Risen Savior!

This may go down in history as one of my favorite Easter Dinners ever!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
(1 Peter 1:3 ESV)


Dianne said…
LOve love the happy abondon of joy
Mike Tant said…
Sometimes the simple things are the best - but my mouth is still watering for the lamb! Love you, Dad
Kate said…
pizza = PERFECT!!! good for you! what a blast! your table was gorgeous!!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Love this! Rejoicing in the Savior is the focus of the day !
Wendy said…
Looks beautiful!

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