
Showing posts from August, 2011

Random Thoughts on Cutting With the Grain

I don't have time to blog - I shouldn't be sitting here at the computer. School is in full swing and my time is not my own. I feel led to share something, however, on the chance that it might just resonate with someone out there. I heard Nancy Wilson speak this summer about "cutting with the grain" when raising kids - allowing them to explore and pursue what naturally interests them. For example, one of her daughters was always buying fabric and sewing as a teenager...yet with few finished products to show for it. That same daughter now has her own clothing line and is designer of some really beautiful textiles. "Cutting with the grain" ... even when it seems like more trouble than it's worth, makes a big mess, and takes up precious time. One child spends his free time poking around the computer and "writing code" for seemingly silly programs. Yet when he used Flash to compose a program that makes a rocket ship dance around the sc...

Yes Yes YESSS!

Desiring God has a great post up about C.S. Lewis and how " Narnia helps us live better here ." Perfect timing for some transforming thoughts going on inside my head and within our family - what we've been calling our "Hobbit Revolution." Not the blissfully ignorant, always cheery Hobbits of The Shire that know nothing of the evils of the world beyond their borders. But Hobbits like Frodo, Samwise, Merry, and Pippin - the ones who went on a great adventure, suffered terrible evils, grew stronger (and taller ;) in ways they didn't know they could, and returned to the beloved Shire with a deeper understanding of its simple joys and sweet fellowship. Longing for the Grey Havens, but whole-heartedly enjoying the good things this life has to offer in the meantime. We are like those Hobbits - the walking wounded who know our citizenship is in Heaven. Yet we also know that every good and perfect gift comes from our Father ( James 1:17 ) and that there is muc...

Let's Review

Tuesday: 1.5mi. very very hot. legs like lead Wednesday: 2.2mi. very very hot. awful migraine. did i learn my lesson? Thursday: crosstrain indoors - 5.2 mi on stationary bike with my book. aaaahhh :) Saturday: 4mi. moderate heat/partly cloudy. first decent 'long run' all summer. encouraged and motivated by waves & nods from other runners, going the opposite direction, as we passed on our loops. offered broken prayers and recited verses in my head when my brain didn't have to stop & remind my lungs to breathe or my legs to take the next step. Philippians 4:13! Not the most impressive week, but the first one in a long time with anything resembling consistency. (this cheery vine gave me motivation for another mile...)

I think I can...I think I can... I think I can...

I wrote an eloquent blog post in my head yesterday about running, as I ... ran. But the heat must have evaporated it right out and left in its place jumbled thoughts and rambling words. Oh well! :) My blogging/running friend, Wendy, once encouraged me that 'the hardest part of running is getting out the door.' (see her repeat that encouragement in this cute, motivational post .) That's certainly been true this summer! So many days I don't make it out until the heat is unbearable and running isn't fun. Yesterday, I tried to beat the heat. It was only 77 when I decided to run, but 86 by the time I fed the kids, found all my gear, and hit the trail. It was 91 before I was done. (and approaching triple digits by the end of the day - yowza!) Makes a huge difference when this sun-beaten, windy, 1/4 mile uphill section of the trail is in your loop! (the pic doesn't do it justice - it's a beast and I felt a sense of accomplishment when I conquered it twice ye...

I Need a Race!

It's been very hard to find time to run this summer, even though I enjoy it. I'm getting squishy. Turning into Garfield! I need the motivation and accountability that training for a race provides. 10k would be nice. Maybe a half. Long about October or November. Affordable, fun. Close to home. Any thoughts?