Job Description
Mrs. Wilson wonders if Paul had mothers in mind when he wrote I Thessalonians 5:14 "Admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all." Don't you agree with her that's a very good description of mothering?
I made myself a sign out of the verse, printed in one of my new favorite colors (orange :) and mounted on a slip of scrapbook paper. It now hangs prominently in my kitchen, where I see it often - to serve as a reminder of my job description.
It's been posted for about a week now. I find it interesting that each time my one of my children has a need - a need that "interrupts" my "work" and I'm tempted to get frustrated - meeting the need falls easily into one of the four categories! The Big Boys getting off-task in their schoolwork? An opportunity to admonish the idle. The 5yo has a high fever and keeps us up all night? An opportunity to help the weak. The Littles are grouchy and lacking self-control because of hunger? An opportunity to encourage the fainthearted (and give them a snack.) The end of a long day, when my "to-do list" seems untouched and I feel like what I need most is just a BREAK!? An opportunity to be patient with them all. (And... as Amy Carmichael says ... a "chance to die" to self.)
Is it my nature to do this? No way! I'm so selfish, and I do love crossing things off my list. I wrestle with my flesh constantly when it comes to dying to myself and "walking" in the "good works" (Eph 2:10) the Lord has prepared for me in each moment - especially when those good works seem to be interrupting the good works I've planned for myself. That's exactly why I made the sign - I need a visible, present reminder for I have much learning and growing yet to do in this area.
I'm off to print my sign for my kitchen. ;)
It has hit the nail on the head for me.
After the 3rd cold has hit the house, the infant is sick, the toddler is messed up from no sleep, the girls need educated ;)...the list goes on.
I actually thought, "I am trying to do the next thing, but everyone keeps interrupting me!!!" LOL!
I thought of this post...and just took care of the sick baby, trying to stay patient with them all.
God bless!