Things That Make Me Smile

This blog: A Year of CrockPotting. I'm finding this a little late in the game, since the posts were mostly 2008. The recipes are still there, however, and are fun to browse when trying to inject some life into ye olde slow-cooker.

2yo KL's "crazy curls." Even on the days when it looks like she put her finger in a socket, they have an untamed beauty I find irresistible.

Finding Titus 2 encouragement here.

The sound of S (14) trying to learn the guitar chords for Holy, Holy, Holy so he can play it for K. It's her favorite hymn.

A cup of this before bedtime

Watching Mr. Towhee hop backwards on the ground under the bird feeder, flicking the dirt with his feet and grazing on the seed dropped by other birds. I love his striking black and orange colors and I love that his bride is always nearby.

My Da*isy Fu*entes Favorite Tee in "orchid." Found on clearance. Lightweight, comfy - the perfect layer over my workout tops for running.

The way all five kids pile all over me when I read a story. Even if they've heard it a hundred times, the Big 3 still cuddle up when they hear me reading Corduroy or Winnie-the-Pooh to The Littles.

Holding my husband's hand during prayers at church.

The truth of this verse:

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things
present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything
else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ
Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39


Kate said…
The Titus 2 blog looks great. I've been to the crockpot blog and need to go back...and I love holding hands with my husband in church.

Mary@notbefore7 said…
Great list! I will have to visit the linked blogs. I'd love to find some uses for this crockpot.

And yes, your daughter's hair would bring a smile to my face!
Jenny said…
That verse, Romans 8:38-39 is written in a particular journal of mine, about 30 to 40 times. There was a period of my life when ALL I could do was write that promise down again and again and again every day, and pray.
Much Ado said…
Hi Jennifer, I just came over from Kate's blog to congratulate you on your run! What a great achievement and fun that you could do it together!

I noticed you read Shopping for Time...I LOVE that book, so practical and biblical.

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