
Quotes flying around our house recently:

"I have natural talent!" - 10 yo C. getting excited because he can play Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing on his recorder. Enthusiasm? Yes. Talent? Time will tell.

"Mama, I so sick. I need to rest because my feelings hurt." - 3 yo. A., who is not sick at all, just trying a new angle on getting to be a couch potato.

"I really got one?!" - 12 yo. S. in disbelief after opening a gift from his uncle - a bonsai tree. Believe it or not, that is what he wanted most for his birthday. (The actual birthday is next week, so I'm calling him 12 as long as I can!)

"Mama" - 16 month old K. - yes she finally said it and her Mama is very happy!

And winner of most convicting comment of the week...
"I wish... Mom, it would be cool if you could be a kid again." - Ouch! 8 yo. M. after I told her I couldn't help her brush her doll's hair right now. Guess who is getting some Mommy time today?


Mary@notbefore7 said…
HA HA HA! Your kids crack me up. The last one really tugs at those heartstrings, huh? The balance of mommy's work and mommy's play!
M. and I had our "girl time" yesterday - we went shopping! We found a cute nightgown for her on clearance at Gap Kids, bought some DK "Ultimate Sticker Books" at Barnes and Noble for our road trip, and had coffee at Starbucks - well, she had chocolate milk. I really enjoyed her company!
Wendy said…
So sweet! I love the couch potato comment. :) Your kids are adorable!
Wendy said…
BTW, I added you to my bloglines. :)
Kate said…
Your kids and their comments remind me so much of my own children. I think they would be friends, these children of ours.

Kate said…
Awww, such sweetness! I agree with Mary... M's comment totally tugs my heart... The years go by so fast.
Mark said…
Funny stuff. Eight must be the age for wondering what Mommy was like as a kid. I've been getting a lot of comments and questions about my childhood from 8 YO daughter.

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