Glimpses of a Summer Day

We haven't had as many of these sweet days at home as I had hoped for. But when they come, they are very welcome!

Nothing says "fun breakfast snack" like Easy Cheese on Triscuits. Yep, breakfast. That's her pj shirt there. Only in summertime. There are special rules for summertime.
M (12) spent some time sketching. And because she takes after her mama, the little shutterbug had to document her efforts on film.
A quick jaunt to Goodwill produced some white treasures. I'm working on a project, and have been collecting pretty white things. More on that in a future post...
What A's (6) room looked like after room time. I wondered what all those crashing sounds were.
The other half of the room. Needless to say, the young man had some regret when he spent much of the afternoon putting that mess back in order!
Out of the blue, M said, "Mom, can I make a pillow?" I saw this as an opportunity to 'say yes' and put aside my afternoon plans for some girl time. Eventually the other two redheads joined the fun. Three hours later, our scraps from the fabric box were transformed into "look what I did" treasures.
Since we spent so much time on our pillows, I enlisted every free hand to help prepare dinner. A & K (5) gave each ear of corn a name. When we were eating, A proclaimed, "I got Hairy Bob!"


Wendy said…
Looks like a great day!
Hope you guys have a great rest of the summer.

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