17/30 & Ironing with Prayer

I have four men in my life. With three sons and a dh, that adds up to a lot of ironing. Two of my sons are man-sized with the shirts to prove it. Admittedly, my hubby does a lot of his own ironing -- he enjoys it and actually does a better job. But I still end up with a revolving pile of wrinkles that must be tamed.

In truth, however, I don't mind the task. Perhaps it's because I'm usually alone in the laundry room, with the hum of the dryer masking the chatter of a busy family elsewhere in the house. A small oasis alone with my thoughts for a few precious minutes.

Many years ago, I heard my hero-in-the-faith Elisabeth Elliot say on her radio program that we should spend the moments we're doing menial household tasks (like ironing, washing dishes, or scrubbing a tub) praying. I began doing just that when my man-sized boys were more pint-sized, and it's been one of the most soulful times of prayer this busy mama gets to have.

I especially try to pray for the person whose garment is on my ironing board. I pray the God of hope would fill them with peace in believing and that they would find their salvation in Christ alone. I pray for godly character, for good health, and in the case of my sons - for their future wives. I pray they would be men who serve God faithfully in whatever vocation He calls them to.

I pray for other things on my heart as well. Whatever needs we may have at the moment. It's been such a blessing to me through the years, that sometimes I'm sad to run out of shirts!


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