Counting Blessings

The Balm of Gilead for me today....

A lovely 3.5mi jog on this trail was the perfect way to reset my mood and my energy level after a busy week. School is in full swing, and we are all still adapting to the new lifestyle. Part homeschool / part classical dayschool ... all making me feel a little bit like I'm perpetually in fast forward . But blessings abound: A(6yo) and M(11yo) are thriving at their new school - a fact that is evident each afternoon at carpool when they hop in the car chatting away, eyes bright and hearts merry. We've had our struggles - A somtimes is a bit teary in the mornings for drop-off; and M is adapting to a rigorous workload and nightly homework. These are very light afflictions, however, when compared to the joy and blessing of having them in such a godly, like-minded school!

(gotta love the dead plant in the background. sign o' the times.)


Andrea said…
I love it that her uniform is long! What is it with private Christian schools having girls where short uniform skirts?? Ours did & I wondered about it.
Glad you are getting into the swing of things - it can be tough to balance five kids let alone with big changes this year!
Kate said…
love the dead plant in the background cuz you're keepin' it REAL!!
Wendy said…
Hope school is going well for everyone!
Wendy said…
Just stopping by to see how you are doing. I hope you are having a great school year so far.

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