
As I've hinted before, my homeschool journey is taking a new turn. Lord-willing, if all the details (like financial assistance!) continue to work out, M (11) and A (5) will be attending a classical Christian school next year. The Big Boys will attend the same tutorial they did last year: in class one full day, working from home on the other days. And little miss K (4) will be home with me full-time.

I'm not kidding myself into thinking this will be an easy year - I know better. It will be a time of transition for us all: getting out the door on time, doing homework, making lunches ... a different kind of stress. But my burden will be lifted, and that's huge. I've been stretched so thin these last couple of years, juggling so many ages & stages, managing our home, and being a helper to a hubby busy running his own business. There are cracks. Big ones. Stuff is falling through. I'm looking forward to knowing, for all four of my students, that education will be moving forward for them even when life is crazy for me.

I've been down this road before - Christian school - and had somewhat of an identity crisis. When M was 4, she was very sick with her blood disorder and the boys went to school for a year and a half. It was a very big blessing to our family, but a confusing time for my psyche. I had only ever been a "homeschool mom" and felt a bit like a failure.

This time is different. I don't really think of myself merely in terms of "homeschool mom" anymore. And if I did, I'd be sorely disappointed at my performance, lol! No, my dh and I really feel the Lord leading us to go in a different direction, to remove some of the load off my back so that I can more faithfully attend to ALL the duties the Lord has given me, not just school. I'm ready to be a happy mom again. I'm ready to have the margin in my life that allows me to minister to others in need. I'm ready to breathe.

(This by no means implies that I don't still love teaching - and homeschooling. I can see myself teaching again in the future, one way or another. And I'll never be able to shut off the part of me that loves pouring over catalogs and analyzing curricula.)

On Tuesday, A, M, and I set out to the school for placement testing - Lord-willing they'll be in 1st and 6th grades. (I'm sure we'll have some catching up to do over the summer to get there.) We are so excited about the people and vision of this sweet school and I know A & M will thrive there. After testing, we hit the uniform store for the summer sale. Even with the 20% off, I was shocked at our bill! But they will look SO stinkin adorable come next year! That makes the cost worth it, right?


Anonymous said…
love the uniforms...do they have them here anywhere?
Andrea said…
I know just what you mean! I had a ton of trouble this pass year putting my oldest in school. The school was wonderful and he did very, very well. But we are still a younger family than yours and with no family business or blood-disorder. So we were guided back to full-time hs for ALL our kids (minus pre-k - I don't do finger paint - lol!). The finances for just one student were so huge.
But even going into this next year homeschooling again, I do not feel like I am just a homeschool mom anymore. I am much more open to put my kids wherever God wants them!
It's good that you are able to let Him lead you here instead of stubbornly hanging onto homeschool as YOUR thing. Your schedule WILL be different but you will be blessed for following God in obedience for your kids!
Wendy said…
I hope your kids have a great year, and that it is a smooth transition for everyone.
Kate said…
your tone sounds so encouraged, excited and hopeful. and a little relieved! it will be a great year, and you still get to help with homework, skewl the older boys some with the subjects you enjoy, and have a blast with K! :)
Mary@notbefore7 said…
So excited for you and this season God has planned for your family!

LOVE those uniforms!

We are not defined by our labels, but by His Love!

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