A Good Run

This is VBS week for us. I'm spending my time with a cute bunch of 2- and 3-year-olds. It's a different pace than I'm used to at VBS, a more physically demanding class, but what a blessing! I'm enjoying it so far. My Mom is here cooking and cleaning for us this week, and I'm so thankful for her servant's heart and cheerfulness. I took little miss KL (4) out in the jog stroller for a short run this afternoon, to work out the kinks and burn off some of my Mom's yummy cooking! It was a sweaty run, and the hills were hard in the 5 o'clock sun with a toddler. But it felt goooood to be back out there. GOTTA find time to run more often! Got in 2.5 miles in just under 30 min. Not a great time, but did I mention that it was hot? And that I was pushing a stroller? Uphill?


Kate said…
sweaty runs really are THE BEST! a good cleansing for sure! good job jennybean!
Reminds me of my profile picture on Facebook - I like it.
Wendy said…
Pushing a stroller makes a big difference! Great job!!
Thanks Kate & Wedny!
Jennybean... has a ring to it. ;)

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