Time to Regroup, Prioritize, and Lay Low

I've been here before. I'm sure that as long as I'm on this side of Glory, I'll be here again. Burnout. Frustration. Overwhelmed.

But "a bruised reed He will not break." The Lord has given me counsel through His word, through re-reading a good book , through a convicting blog post, and through good, godly friends. (you know who you are! thanks!)

The truth of the matter is this: I've got toddlers to teens; high school to preschool - with everything in between. Faithfully mothering young children is a full-time job. Faithfully mentoring teens as they become young adults is a full-time job. Homeschooling is a full-time job. I think somehow I assumed that since I'd been at this for 15 years that I was somehow coming to the easy part. You know, the part where I get to workout whenever I want, attend book clubs, shop in the middle of the day, and get lunch with friends. And oh, yes -- blog and read others' blogs!

Not that I can never do those things. But I'm realizing (again -slow learner!) that the best contribution I can make to the world - and God's Kingdom - right now is to be a faithful mother to my children and a helpmeet to my husband. And do it with JOY (James 1:2; Phil 4:4) and THANKSGIVING! (I Thes. 5:18; Psalm 107:1). And without complaining. (Phil 2:14)

I'm performing surgery on my schedule, cutting out activities that are getting in the way and causing me to be all "hurry and flurry" about the things that matter. I'm letting the phone go to voicemail during school hours, staying home more, checking addictive social networking site (you know the one!) less, and laying low in the blogsphere. Please forgive me if I have not stopped by your site recently, or if I miss a few of your lovely posts. I'm so blessed by all the blogs that I read. But I must be careful. Five minutes on the computer quickly turns into half an hour, and then I'm frustrated at myself, behind in my work, and not in the frame of mind I need to be to tenderly train and teach my children.

So thank you for understanding and please bear with me as I blog less and live more. Blessings! :)


Kate said…
such an amazing friend you are! remember what i said in the parking lot last night... :) and don't be afraid to say it with boldness and confidence that it is the right thing to do - the next thing to do.
Mary Bernard said…
Peace and grace to you, friend. I don't know how you do it, but I know you do it well!
Thanks for the encouragement. I check in from time to time. Last year I wasn't homeschooling, and this year I am, so I have even more respect for all that you're doing. May God establish the work of your hands, friend.

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