It wasn't pretty, but we survived!

Today was the first day we had a full school workload. We officially started Monday, but that day was mostly organizing and preparing for Tuesday - the boys' first day of classes at Veritas. So today was day 1 with assignment sheets from Veritas, plus our work at home (math & science for the big boys; all subjects for M (10yo 5th grade) & A (5yo, kindergarten.)

To be honest, it wasn't really even "full" - M is taking science at an enrichment program and classes there have not officially started, though she does have some taxonomy cards and reading to work through before the first day; C's (12 yo 7th gr) math books haven't arrived (mainly b/c his mother forgot to go pick them up from the homeschool store -- oops!); and we didn't get to phonics or math with A.

But still -- it was a full workday. I had a conference with each of the boys and we mapped out which assignements need to be done each day. (In the future, I hope to do that on Tuesday evenings, but we had a little family birthday celebration last night for A - my little BLT turned 5!) C's teachers started off light -easing the students into things, I guess. Not so with S (14). I guess they figure "Hey, this is high school, get used to hard work!" He hung in there today and got the list done, but he's definitely going to have quite a workload.

The house, of course, looks like we spent all day on school! The kitchen is a mess, any room K (3) played in while we were working is a mess, dinner is going to be late, and the laundry is not caught up. My attitude has been horrible all week - feeling disappointed with myself for not being more ready for the beginning of the year. But .... we survived and lived to tell the tale!
Now ... on to "do the next thing!"


Kate said…
Your school space looks so cozy. Glad you survived.

You should see it now, LOL! That was the BEFORE pic! ;-)
Mary Bernard said…
Congrats, Jennifer. Have a wonderful year!
Kate said…
You are the bomb mom!!! Way ahead of me!!!
OneNila said…
You've kept a good thing secret from me! I love what you have here.
I will say, I can completely relate to so much you have been going through to start the school year, form preparing the space to conferences with you kids and the grumps while kicking yourself for not being more prepared.Oh, yeah, the little one's messes-ha-exactly!
You've had a lot happen in the last month alone and you are on a roll doing so well. Hang in there. You're inspiring and real. Thanks for letting us into your world.
OneNila said…
Wow, I'm way too wordy. Looks like I blogged on your blog:)
Cathy said…
Ah, but you did make it through the day! God is good. :)

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