3.4 miles - unplugged

I want to start off by saying, "I did it!!" On July 4, I ran the Peachtree Road Race 10K with about 50,000 of my closest friends! ha ha In truth, a dear friend and encourager ran with me and was truly the wind beneath my wings all the way to the finish line! If you had told me a year ago I would run a 10K, in July heat, in Atlanta, I would have thought you were crazy! But by God's grace I did it! I owe a lot to Kate, and to Janice who ran with me in training, and to the "Wonder Women" of the 5K in March. I also owe a lot to a couple of you out there in the blogsphere who were "virtual encouragers." So thanks and props to all of you! And of course I couldn't have done it without the Lord. I'm so grateful that He has blessed me with the health and ability to run.

Ok, now on to "3.4 miles - unplugged." As a novice runner, I have been using my iP*d as a crutch to keep me going -- fast-paced (and often loud) music that makes my feet move fast! But after several months, the playlist was getting tired - or I was getting tired of it.

On my long run Saturday, I experimented with a more mellow playlist, and just enjoying the music of Indelible Grace and Caedmon's Call, etc., as I ran - not needing the music to push me on. I thought about what Wendy and another new running/blogging friend said about feeling close to the Lord when running - and wondered if I could ever get to the point where I don't need the iP*d to run. And then it happened...

I grabbed my iP*d at the beginning of my run last night only to discover little A(4yo) had drained the battery! At first I was mad, then I thought, "ok, here's my chance to be a real runner - just me, the Lord, and the trail."

It was nice! I did spent quite a lot of time in thought and prayer, when my mind could focus. I enjoyed being able to give a nod and a hello to the other runners/walkers on the trail and hear their reply. I enjoyed the crickets and the rush of the wind in my ears as I climbed the big hill. And oddly, I enjoyed the rhythmic sound of my feet hitting the pavement.

I'm not saying I'll put away the earbuds forever, but I may have to do more runs unplugged!


Kim said…
"I did spent quite a lot of time in thought and prayer, when my mind could focus. I enjoyed being able to give a nod and a hello to the other runners/walkers on the trail and hear their reply. I enjoyed the crickets and the rush of the wind in my ears as I climbed the big hill. And oddly, I enjoyed the rhythmic sound of my feet hitting the pavement."

All of the things I love about running, too! Good job on the 10k!
Kate said…
i won't cry, i won't cry, i won't cry! i am and always will be so proud of you for accomplishing this huge HUGE milestone - and many more to come. i love you dearly! you have lit a fire that i am praying about. i got so much, and i mean SO much joy out of encouraging you, pushing you, and helping you along the way. i want to do that for many others, just trying to figure out how...

the runs without the ipod are amazing - so spiritual if i can say that. many times i wonder if the drives think i am crazy as i cry and run at the same time!
Ve said…
Awesome! I think next time I run the 'hood I'll go sans mp3. You're so great. Keep going!
Much Ado said…
Yeah! YOU DID IT!!!! Exactly! What a great achievement. Thanks for the sweet mention as well.

I am an ipod addict too, I will have to try some "running unplugged"!

And Kate you're not the only one that cries on runs, sometimes listening to certain songs or sermons make me cry on my runs too.

Jennifer, keep up the great job you are doing with your runs!! :)
Jennifer Shand said…
Sometimes I feel like the only time my mind has time to think thru things is when I'm running. I always "run unplugged". Glad you gave it a try - and keep up the hard work it is to stay active.
Wendy said…
So proud of you! You are doing great and I'm looking forward to following along as you achieve more goals!
Mike Tant said…
Great post #1 daughter! I'll use it for some encouragement during my training times. Love you, Dad.
Dianne said…
You ROCK baby girl!

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