Dinner on a Thursday

I am so not a decorator! I post these pictures only to show you that it is possible to have beauty (i.e. Hidden Art) in your home with no talent and no money! Yesterday was a rough one around here and I was feeling a little blue come dinnertime. I decided a pretty table would make our plain ole weeknight fish-and-broccoli dinner a little more festive. The flowers are summer's last blast from my neglected yard; the napkins are cut from a fabric remnant I keep meaning to do something with; the aspen wood vase was last year's anniversary present from My Sweetie. In about 15 min, the table - and my attitude - got a makeover.
Return, O my soul, to your rest;for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.
Psalm 116:7


Kate said…
A little beauty goes a long way toward soothing a woman's grumpy soul. Good for you to take the time to add class to your broccoli and fish dinner.

Wendy said…
that looks great! i have a friend that always makes her table look so pretty and i think it is a really good idea, i should try it more.
Dianne said…
What a pretty table! you can decorate!
Kate said…
you have totally inspired me!! you see beauty in so much!! that's one reason i love you!!
Mary Bernard said…
Very lovely, Jennifer. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Hidden Art of Homemaking!
Aw, shucks! Thanks, ya'll! ;-)
Everybody go serve your next ordinary dinner with cloth napkins and candlelight and tell me it doesn't make your whole family feel special!
Ve said…
Ditto ditto ditto! And I think you're not allowed to say that you're not a decorator anymore. So pretty. The vase rocks.
Michelle said…
Awesome! We had a candlelight picnic with cloth napkins Saturday night. Of course, it was after the kids went to bed, but it was a nice treat. Your table looks lovely!!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
I seriously LOVE the color of the wall that you quickly painted to match....LOL! But I do seriously love that color - you must be decorator material or you would not have such a fabulously daring wall!

GREAT looking table. Love the idea of no sew napkins! ;)
Carrie Thompson said…
that is awesome. we dont usually even eat at the table! I am not really sure when that happened but it did! I need to really make more of an effort to make a nice table and SIT at it! thanks for the reminder!
Jennifer said…
That is absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful way to brighten up your day.
Thank you for inviting us into your beautifully set table. Love. It, and love the book you're reading.

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