Happy 12th Birthday!

You were the wiggliest of all babies when you were in my tummy. You were the tallest newborn we had, measuring 21 long inches when you were born. Your precious hair was so fine and white, it was almost invisible. You were loaded with personality from the very beginning.
It warms my heart to see you growing into a compassionate, generous, curious young man.
So happy birthday to my Creative, Observant, Loving, Intelligent, and Noble son of my heart!
I love you!


jennifer h said…
Happy Birthday, Collin!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Oh, sweet. 12 is so big :) AHHHH! Happy Birthday to your growing guy!
Cathy said…
Hard to believe he was 2 when I met him! The years fly by so fast!
Melissa Lester said…
Happy birthday! What a fun age!

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