Prayers for China

My heart is heavy as I listen to news of the earthquake in China - the more time passes, more devastation is uncovered. This, after the horrible cyclone in Myanmar last week. Join me in praying for the victims of these disasters.


Andrea said…
It reminds me of how our God is a soveriegn God. It's hard to watch this devestation but it's good to remember that our loving God is in control. They are in His hands.
Jenny said…
Please keep Bethany in your prayers. Many of her students are from Sichuan and in times of great trail the gospel flourishes. It's just a lot of in the trenches grief counseling and tears on her part as well. In China they have no censorship on what they broadcast on TV, so she's had to turn the news off because the images are so gruesome and disturbing for her.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Absolutely Jennifer. It is so hard to watch, but we can remember that God is in control at this time.

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