
The Next Thing house is a flurry of excitement and activity. As we were doing our morning chores, I looked out the kitchen window to see a small turquoise flash go between two trees. I looked closer and called out, "Kids! Quick! Indigo Bunting! Indigo Bunting!" We grabbed the binoculars and watched the little fellow tentatively approach our feeder and then retreat. I suppose the bossy cardinals intimidated him. I'll be keeping watch for his return. We are SO thrilled with this sighting. I've seen an indigo bunting at my mom's in Tennessee, but this is the first we've seen here. Oh, happy day!


Kate said…
Oh, I know the excitement! Once we had a flock of cedar waxwings and we sat in our sunroom and watched the greedy bandits for over an hour. Another time, in Rhode Island, we saw a rose breasted grosbeak. That bird was huge! A bird out of the ordinary is a big deal isn't it?

Kate said…
how cool! i LOVE birds!
Andrea said…
Wow - that's quite a beauty! I've never seen one. Good eyes!

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