Rose From Brier

While she was no Wordsworth, Amy Carmichael was a prolific poet. I have a volume entitled Mountain Breezes: The Collected Poems of Amy Carmichael. Here is my very favorite:

"Rose From Brier" by Amy Carmichael

Thou hast not that, My child, but thou hast Me;
And am not I alone enough for thee?
I know it all, know how thy heart was set
Upon this joy which is not given yet.

And well I know how through the wistful days
Thou walkest all the dear familiar ways
As unregarded as a breath of air;
But there in love and longing, always there.

I know it all; but from thy brier shall blow
A rose for others. If it were not so
I would have told thee. Come, then, say to Me:
My Lord, my Love, I am content with Thee.


Ve said…
That's beautiful. Did she ever marry?
No, she never married, but was a very fruitful "mother" in God's kingdom to the hundreds of children that grew up at Donhavur Fellowship.
Ve said…
Maybe that's what the poem was about. Thanks for the education on Amy Carmichael's life!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Beautiful poem. you share a lot of her thoughts and writings. Thanks. You have introduced me to her and her beautiful heart for God.

may we ask ourselves the same question! that is a tough one!

Love the shot of your soon to be 9 year old! ;)

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