
Quotes flying 'round our place this week:

"Mom, I want to go to computer dot net." 3 yo A, requesting some tech time like his big brothers.

"Mom, my eyes can move - let.them.move!" A's response to my insistence upon him looking in my eyes while receiving correction.

"I wish these yoga people would just leave out all that religion stuff!" 11 yo C, always jealous for the honor of God, annoyed while exercising with me one day.

"Did a present come in the mail today?" 8yo M's daily question ... her birthday is next week. A couple of packages I ordered have arrived and she must think there are lots more coming!

"Don't hit a treeeeeee!" 13 yo S, cautioning A, who learned how to ride a bike w/o training wheels this week. (!!!He's three!!! Help!)

And in the I-can't-believe-this-is-coming-out-of-my-mouth category:

"No cell phones at the table!" Me at dinner last Friday. (My Sweetie and I got new cell phones and the kiddos have adopted the old ones (with no service, mind you.) It was kind of funny - they all ended up at the table and I was getting annoyed.)

Go visit Not Before 7 for more Tiny Talk.


Wendy said…
Loved this peek into your lives.

3 without training wheels - Wow!
Monica said…
I'm picturing the "eye" scene. That is too funny!!
Andrea said…
Oh so funny - cell phones! At least they aren't texting yet!
jennifer h said…
Cute and funny as always.

My fav is the eyes comment--I guess because I can imagine it coming it out of the mouth of one of mine.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
OH let that poor child's eyes move!!!!

Love them all - so cute!
Kate said…

I laughed at the yoga comment. My kids "workout" with me too and have said the very same thing.


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