
"That's ghastly!" 11 yo C., whose vocabulary always makes us chuckle.
"I love my vocabulary!" I guess we've told him that one too many times.

Mom: "S, how many algebra problems have you done?" after 20 min.+ down at his desk.
S (13): "One."
Mom: "What exactly have you been doing?"
S: "Reading Dad's thesaurus."
Mom: "What words did you look up?"
S: "Damage, death, ..." oh, great! uplifting stuff!
Mom: (trying to decide whether to laugh or scold) "Well, what synonyms did you come up with?"
S: "mutilated, expired, wounded..." well... glad to see you have a love of learning, but why not get back to math? Man! Is this what homeschooling w/ teens is going to be like? I guess that's why Dorothy Sayers called this the "pert stage."

"Oh, M! You look like Helen of the Fair Cheeks!" C, again, commenting on how cute M (8) looked in her Greek chiton and with her hair braided.

"Mama! Get [me] Out!" 22 mo. old K, finally putting words together in short sentences. Her way of making sure we don't forget to get her up in the morning.

"I need a Lip Helmet!" 3yo A, glad that his sore lip was healing, and wishing he could prevent further owies to his mouth. Lip Helmet sounds like a good idea, as well as nose helmet, ankle helmet, finger helmet ... how about just a roll of bubble wrap?!

That's what the tiny (and not so tiny) ones around here are saying this week. Head over to Not Before 7 for more Tiny Talk.


Kristin said…
lip helmet that is adorable!
Andrea said…
Bubble wrap clothes sound good! They are so funny! Better to be reading a thesauras than some of the other things out there!
E. Tyler Rowan said…
Too much fun! Can't exactly scold a kid for wanting to learn synonyms, can you? LOL.
Ve said…
Your kids' quotes always make me laugh!! I'm going to try and add some to my blog here before too long.
Kate said…
I need a lip helmet too - for my chapped lips that is. CUTE CUTE CUTE. Love them all!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Those are all so funny! I love the lip helmet - how creative.

Oh...homeschooling a teen...ha ha ha!
Nothing brightens my day quite like the comments from the kids!

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