(Not) my 100th Post!

Technically speaking, this is my 100th post! It's hard for me to believe that... seems like I'm still such a newcomer to blogging! I have a nice post, worthy of the title of 100th, rolling around in my brain, but no time to get it out right now. We've had a birthday, doctor's appointments, visit from family, youth group outings, and a date (!) in the last week.

I've kind of been going by the "live first, blog later" principle.

But I'll be back soon - after I dig out from under wrapping paper and laundry, and restore some order to my little world - you know, just "Doing the Next Thing!" as usual.


Andrea said…
Wow - 100! Can't wait for your post!
jennifer h said…
Congrats on the 100th post.

I look forward to the "official post."
60 toes said…
looking forward to it!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Cant wait to see 100. I saw something, but it was removed...pics?

anyway - you keep doing the next thing! I hear ya!
E. Tyler Rowan said…
I'm right there beside you, living first and blogging later. I think I'm coming out of my cave this week. :)

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