Is Tacky Glue non-toxic?

This is a question I asked myself the other day when A. announced after rest time: "Mom, I ate a sugar cube." Let me explain...

All last week, while the Big 3 were working on history projects, A. kept saying, "I wanna do a projrect!" I told him we'd do a project on Saturday when all the others were done. He loves the book The Three Snow Bears, so I decided we could build an igloo out of sugar cubes and talk about living in the arctic with the Inuit people. It was honestly a blast - he enjoyed making his " 'gloo house projrect." The igloo is now proudly displayed on his dresser. And yes, Tacky glue is non-toxic!


Ve said…
Awww! It's like you have two different home school groups - the older 3 and then A and little C! They're so cute! A looks so proud. H and I have started learning how to read this week!! It's so exciting! I'll have to tell you what got him started.
I'm dying to hear about H's reading! Way to go, Lil Dude!
And yes, it's like I have 2 little families... but it's all good and lots of fun (except when it's not LOL)
Kitty Kat said…
so THAT'S what you were talking about the other night. i was trying to picture what it was that you were making. it's cute (and non-toxic!). :)

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