History Project Day

Is mummification a skill you wish you had on your resume? Did you ever wonder what the ancient Romans ate? Speaking of eating, would you like a piece of the Great Pyramid or the Great Wall of China? (made out of cake, that is) Then History Project Day is the place for you!

We had a great time over the last few days, not only helping our children complete their own projects, but also enjoying the diverse creativity of all the students at Master's Academy. This really is one of my favorite events of the year - one of the things that makes me love Master's! I'm always amazed at the fun ways these kids come up with to show what they've learned this year in history. A couple of teen guys wrote and performed a song based on one of the Psalms; another group of teens did a hysterical film called "Greek Idol" - like the tv talent show, but starring Hades, Hercules, and their Olympian pals; an 11 yo boy built Tiberius' Water Compressor; a middle school girl made an intricate display of ancient African puppetry; and so much more. It truly was a delight to see these kids reflecting the image of their Creator as they created their projects.

My kids' projects turned out well. For C's Parthenon, we went with simple wooden dowels and styrofoam. We did a little math, to make sure that our columns were in proportion to the size of the roof and base (though they didn't exactly achieve the Golden Ratio, I think C and My Sweetie did a pretty good job!) S. did extensive research on the styles of warfare used by Egypt, Athens, Sparta, and Rome. He displayed C's Playmobil Roman ship and had a "Final Four"-type tournament and Ballot Box for viewers to vote for their favorite. Apparently that was a hit - his table was crowded the whole night! (I don't know if you can tell from the pics, but Egypt was the winner... a little revisionist, perhaps, LOL!) M's Greek and Roman dresses turned out really well - but the most rewarding part for me was how she kept saying, "Mom - this is so much fun!" as we did research together, shopped for fabric together, and as I taught her how to use my sewing machine and sew buttons. Good times!


Ve said…
Congratulations S and C and M!!! That Parthenon rocks! I love the idea of a competition between the styles of warfare. And M's work is stunning. They all should be proud. You're a great teacher Jen!
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Oh it sounds like so much fun! What a great idea. I loved the pictures above. Sounds like a fun bonding family time too!

What a rocking homeschool mom ;) I wanna come attend and learn to sew!
Andrea said…
Ahhh... Playmobile. J was wondering where you got that ship. We have the Roman ampitheater - got it b4 he learned about Rome and he didn't understand why they would have tigers! Master's Academy is sounding like it may well be worth the 45 min drive. Hmmmm...

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