
After seeing a lady on a cooking show do this, then finding it in a cookbook, I thought I'd give it a try. Berry Napoleons. Sounds elegant, fancy, and difficult, doesn't it? Not in the least! Here's how you do it:
-take wonton wrappers (we used round ones-found in the natural foods refrigerated section) and place them on a baking sheet sprayed w/ cooking spray; spray the tops of the wrappers and sprinkle with sugar; bake in at 400 for 5 min.
-on the plate, layer a wonton, dollop of pastry cream, and a few berries; repeat and top w/ a wonton; sprinkle w/ powdered sugar
(I got an easy pastry cream recipe off the internet, but you could easily use whipped cream or non-dairy whipped topping.)

So pretty and SOOO delicious!


As one of those allowed to partake of this dessert, I can honestly say that the picture does not do it justice! It was absolutely wonderful, and my second helping even better.
Melissa Lester said…
Yum! I am definitely trying this!
60 toes said…
Yum, that looks delicious!!!!!
Wendy said…
That looks wonderful!
I forgot to mention in the post, but my first pastry cream was a disaster! I cooked it too long and the eggs broke down and separated. What I served was "take 2" using a slightly different recipe.
jennifer h said…
Looks impressive. That's just what you want--great looking food that is easy to make.
Ve said…
Ever consider moonlighting as a food stylist?
Cathy said…
Looks good enough for Southern Living! Definitely trying it. what is pastry cream and how do you make it?
Andrea said…
That close up photo is just wrong! I usually drool at this stuff from a distance but the detail here is enough to send me running to the store! Now I want some berries!
Pastry cream is like a custard. It's an all-purpose cream that can be used for tarts, filling doughnuts, etc. (Not that I've ever done any of that, LOL!) The first recipe I tried was from Somersize Desserts, but that's the one that "broke down" when I cooked it to long. The other I got off allrecipes just doing a search for pastry cream. It was actually really easy!
Kate said…
Did you make these at 2am?! YUMMM!

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