
The young parents look at the new little bundle with adoring eyes - eyes full of hope, wonder, and anticipation of what the future will bring for their firstborn - a daughter. They are 23 years old and still practically newlyweds. He is just beginning his career as an environmental engineer. She is busy making their first house a home for their little family.

Life is a flurry those first few weeks. Midnight feedings. Inconsolable crying. Anxiety - "are we doing everything right?" Broken toes ... yes, he breaks his toe tripping over the rocking chair while bringing Mommy a bottle in the dark of night. It's amazing that such noise can come from so tiny a person!

It was January 5, 1971. These young parents are my parents. They would spend the next couple of decades showering me with love and raising me with wisdom and the fear of the Lord. So today I would like to say "thank you" to them!

Thank you for valuing life and starting a family during a time of cultural upheaval and "free love." You spent the "golden age" of your youth wiping dirty bot.toms and playing peek-a-boo. You were counter-culture. Though you were not believers yet, the Lord had already named you for Himself and was laying the foundation for a legacy of faith.

Thank you for saying No when it was needed and Yes as often as you could!

Thank you for giving me the best presents in the world - brothers and a sister!

Thank you for cheering me on in sports when I looked like a floppy string-bean. Thank you for making me feel beautiful and important. Thank you for exclaiming over every art project, science experiment, and piano recital - no matter if they were good or bad.

Thanks for being godly role models in your parenting and mentoring me now that I'm a mom.

Thanks for being you!
With Love,


jennifer h said…
Happy Birthday!

And, thanks for sharing your sweet thank you to your parents. God helped them to do a great job with you and all their children. Now they are reaping the benefits with godly children raising godly grandchildren.
jennifer h said…
Happy Birthday!

And, thanks for sharing your sweet thank you to your parents. God helped them to do a great job with you and all their children. Now they are reaping the benefits with godly children raising godly grandchildren.
Kate said…
Ohmygodness that is so sweet! What a wonderful tribute full of love and thanks for your parents. And a big Happy Birthday to you!
my4loveys said…
That is the sweetest! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. :)
Mary@notbefore7 said…
Birthday? So sorry I missed it back on the day, but home you had a great one.

What a beautiful tribute to your parents - I hope they read it!
Kate said…
What a beautiful tribute!


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