Sisters are Great!

I love my sister! We've been close all our lives and I often think of how blessed I am to have her in my life. God was so good to give me a sister. She is a friend, confidante, and spiritual advisor.

Do you know what my sweet sister did this weekend? In the midst of her own pre-Christmas busy-ness, she drove 275 miles for a surprise visit! She knew that M. would be thrilled to have Aunt Michelle at her ballet recital, so she packed herself (who is 20 weeks pregnant, by the way) and her 23-month-old daughter and made the trek. We had so much fun at the recital, hanging out, and shopping together. Thanks, Sis, for such a selfless gift!

What I'm really moved by as I ponder the gift of a sister is this: not only do I have a great sister, but my daughters will have each other - and so will Michelle's ... she just found out last week that baby #2 is a girl!


Ve said…
That's so cool. I thought that was her Sunday. I bet M's ballet recital was precious. She was so cute Sunday night as an angel.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
This is so special. Wow! what a sister. It makes me so happy to think about K and T that was as well. Hope you all had a blast.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
OH - congrats to your sis! How sweet to add another girl too :)
60 toes said…
thanks for your sweet comment.

I did not have a sister, but I am so glad that my girls have each other for the very reasons you mentioned.
Michelle said…
You are too sweet to post such a nice blog about me!!! I had a fabulous time visiting and am SO glad I made the trip. J had a great time, too! I wouldn't trade my sister for the world! You are my bestest friend!!! Love you!
jennifer h said…
I remember that picture of you and Michelle from your wedding. Very sweet. How great that she was able to be there for M's dance recital!

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