
Eleven years ago today my youngest brother, Andy, went home to Heaven. He was 16 years old. The week before his death he had shared in chapel that his only real ambition in life was to go to Heaven. The day before his death he was sharing the gospel in the ice cream store where he worked.

Don't get me wrong, he was aslo a real stinker! The baby of four kids, Andy was a little spoiled and sometimes a lot annoying! But he had a heart of gold and loved my kids (just two tiny boys at the time) - he was so proud to be an uncle!

So today we especially thank the Lord for the gift of the Incarnation, for without it we would have no Son of God made Man; no perfect sacrifice; no Atonement; no eternal life with the Father for those who believe. Therefore we have confidence that Andy is enjoying his Eternal Rest. Yes, losing a loved one at Christmas sometimes makes it a difficult time, but it also makes the Truth of what we celebrate all the richer! Glory to God in the Highest!

You can also read about him (and see a funny picture) here at my Dad's blog.


Wendy said…
What a sweet picture. I read your Dad's post too and was in tears. What a great thing to know he is with the Lord and lived a life loving the Lord and sharing the gospel w/others.
Hugs to you today.
S. A. Smith said…
It's probably a category of sin, but I find myself incorrigibly curious about how a person has passed when I read a post like this. If too personal I understand and will put my curiosity in its proper place. I just lost my father. In his case it was advanced congestive heart failure. Not like losing someone so young.
Ve said…
At the end of time, all things will be made right and we will understand why God worked the way He did. I'm sorry you and your family have had to endure this loss. Thank you for sharing a bit of his memory with us.
Wendy - thanks for the words and the hugs.
James - Andy was driving to church on a Sunday morning when he was in a crash. Though he was taken to the hospital via Lifeflight, he never regained consciousness. He slipped into eternity with my Dad holding his hand.
Janice - Yes, we look forward to the time when Jesus will wipe away all tears. Thanks for the encouragement.
jennifer h said…
Ah, when I think of Andy, I see his face very much like it looks in the photo you posted. Thanks for posting your memorial to a sweet kid that we like to think of as a younger brother, too.
jennifer h said…
Ah, when I think of Andy, I see his face very much like it looks in the photo you posted. Thanks for posting your memorial to a sweet kid that we like to think of as a younger brother, too.
Mary@notbefore7 said…
What a beautiful tribute to your little brother. What sorrow to have lost him here, but yet such joy in knowing that he is with His Creator!
Kate said…
I remember when you first told me about Andy- how my heart sank for you and your family and rejoiced at the same time that you all will be reunited. That was a beautiful tribute and testimony of Andy and I am so glad you shared it with the world. Love ya!

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