Tiny Talk Tuesday

Mary over at Not Before 7 is hosting a "Tiny Talk Tuesday." So even though most of mine are not "tiny," here goes:

"Hey, C.! It's about time for our leaf pile!" - 8yo M. to her brother - the two built "Mini Mt. Everest" out of leaves last year next to the swing set and jumped off the swings into it. And yes, M., it is time - Welcome, Fall!

"Mom, I gonna take all my buddies down to safety." 3yo A., carrying his "buddies" (stuffed animals) down to the landing on the stairs. Safety from what?? Some manly character in my little guy!

"Hey Dad - this coupon is only worth 1/1ooth of a cent!" 11 yo C. discovering that coupons have "cash value." I wonder how many he'll try to stockpile to redeem for cash....

"Uh" Translation: "up" - 17 mo K.'s new word

And the winner of the Split My Sides Laughing Award...
"Please don't use me as a napkin!" 13yo S., sitting next to A. at the table on Italian night!

Now hop over to Not Before 7 for some more Tiny Talk.


Mary@notbefore7 said…
That was a cute way to do it. I love the winner. That is hilarious!

I like the carrying the animals to safety as well.
Ami said…
I have definitely used that napkin remark myself!
God's girl said…
Too cute!

Lori said…
Very cute! I love the things kids say.
Lisa said…
I am a human napkin myself it seems, so I can relate!
You have beautiful kids, thanks for visiting my blog today.
onemotherslove said…
oh, how many times I have said, "Please don't use me as a napkin!"
Kate said…
ditto on the human napkin! loved that one. i guess that explains why i buy all my tees at old navy! wipe away!
jennifer h said…
I think your 3yo A and my 4 yo C would get along well. She is always involved with a plethera of characters--either or imaginary or toys.
jennifer h said…
I think your 3 yo A. would get along well with my 4 yo C. She is always involved with a cast of characters--either imaginary or toys!
jennifer h said…
Sorry for the two comments. It's a blogger thing!

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