Long Time, No Blog

It has been a couple of weeks since I had a chance to visit the blog world. We went on vacation, and then I took a "vacation" from the computer for a bit while I got our little world back in order. It really takes about three weeks to pull off a one week trip: one week to prepare and pack, one week for the travel, and one week (at least!) to recover. I think we are back to normal for a while - until the next trip, anyway.

Here are some stats:
1700 - approximate number of miles put on "the Burb" (our trusty family vehicle) on this trip
5 - number of states we drove through
90 - total minutes the baby slept on the entire trip!
innumerable - the number of times a parent said, "Find her the binky!"
immeasurable - the joy of visiting loved ones we rarely get to see!

(Here's the best shot we got of all 5 at Lake Michigan. Impossible to get them all looking at the camera at the same time on the beach!)


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