and we digress...
After dabbling (very casually) in healthier eating, organics, and a natural lifestyle for 13 years, we recently made some radical - and permanent - changes to the way we buy food, cook, and eat. I'm working out a post with more on that for later. And I know I'm not done with the photo series. But I just had some Random Kitchen Thoughts to share and get them out of my system. As if anyone out there cares. But that's ok . It's called venting. Here goes: “traditional”, “nourishing”, “slow”, “whole”, “ MOKO ” (Meat Of Known Origin) – I don’t care what you call it, cooking this way is all-consuming and makes a BIG mess! Every pan I own, and several appliances are dirty – and the dishwasher is full and running. When you’re hungry, and in a hurry, it’s sometimes frustrating to look in the cabinet and only find … ingredients . Yesterday I licked a pinch of kosher salt, right out of my hand b/c there were no quick snacks. (and my tamari almonds were in the car) I kid you no...