
Lost and Found

 I can't even believe this blog still exists!  Back in 2012 I began a new blog, Windows,  linked here , and then in 2013 I stopped posting at all.  Thanks largely, I believe to a combination of being more active on social media and the feeling that someone pushed the fast forward button on life and it never slowed down.  At some point a few years ago, I went looking for my blog and discovered that google had deleted it due to inactivity.  I was a little heartbroken and kicking myself for not printing or publishing the posts in book form, since they contain so many fond memories.  And then lo and behold!  One day I'm browsing my facebook memories and there was a link to a blog post ... and it WORKED! You can bet I will be finding a way to preserve what I've posted here and I may even pop over and post occasionally. :) So much life has happened since 2013.  Three kiddos graduated and grew up, a season of unemployment for my husband (and God's p...


View the world through my lens here .

Easter Pizza

I planned a really yummy Easter menu: boneless leg of lamb with mint balsamic drizzle, roast chicken (for the non-lamb-eaters), sweet potatoes, asparagus, fancy green salad, and homemade lemon meringue pie. But we didn't eat that - not one bit of it. Instead we had pizza. In the photo above, the caprese skewers represent the only homemade item we had at our entire Easter feast! And it was GREAT! It's been a busy few weeks, and even Spring Break was filled with things like taxes & doctors' appointments. So when the Saturday before Easter came and I started making my little "to do" list ... I also started to panic. My quick-thinking (and awesome) husband decided that the remedy was to skip it all, have pizza for Easter, and take the kids to a carnival Saturday night instead of staying up all hours to finish deviled eggs. We had a blast at the carnival -- I wish you could have seen K's reaction to the thrill of her first fun house, first ferris wheel....


I don't really love myself in this photo - that shirt is so much cuter in person, and I have strange unflattering shadows across my face. But there are so few pics of all seven of us ... and we worked so hard to get this family shot of our spring break getaway. (You should have seen the camera -- self-timer all set -- propped on a book-on top of a pillow-on top of a barstool. That's a fast 10 seconds, let me tell ya!)


Sunrise in the Blue Ridge Mountains We enjoyed a quick getaway at the beginning of Spring Break. Found a good deal on 2 nights at a cabin with a hot tub, pool table, and this amazing view! It was SO GOOD to just slow down and spend a couple days just hanging out as a family!


daughter, M (almost 13), took this photo on the way to school. it was a very gloomy, yucky day and then, all of a sudden - a rainbow and a patch of sunlight! the phone camera just doesn't do it justice! The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. - Psalm 19:1


my sweet hubby built me this table! i'm in LOVE! (with the table AND the man ;-)